Expanding to multi-organ support
Expand treatment possibilities for your patients by delivering single or combined multi-organ support therapies simultaneously on one device

Multi-organ dysfunction in your critically ill patients
Multi-organ dysfunction is a life-threatening syndrome characterized by the dysfunction of two or more organ systems (neurologic, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, hematologic, and hepatic).1 Organ crosstalk, typically underpinned by systemic inflammatory and hemodynamic derangements, can potentiate the severity of multi-organ dysfunction.2-4
Multi-organ dysfunction is common in the ICU and can affect ~25–30% of critically ill patients.5,6

Deliver therapy simultaneously using a single vascular access
Management of multi-organ dysfunction is complex, requiring an integrated approach of pharmacologic and organ support therapies to both support individual organs and manage the effects of organ crosstalk.7 Clinicians can provide multi-organ support therapies using a single vascular access, helping to minimize the invasiveness of treatment8-10 and reduce the risk of infection for patients with multi-organ dysfunction.11-13

Using a single device helps reduce complexity in an already complex environment.15,16

Simultaneous delivery of CRRT and organ support therapies is possible with PrisMax 2, PrisMax and Prismaflex systems, enabling personalized treatment through a single vascular access.17,18
Expand treatment possibilities beyond CRRT

Your educational partner as you expand treatment possibilities
Access learning resources through Baxter Critical Care Institute (BCCI) for support as you increase therapy options in your ICU. This evolving offering of resources is specifically curated for critical care healthcare professionals and designed to enable you to better handle challenging situations with certainty and confidence. As a core component of the BCCI offering, the Learning Hub provides bite-sized modules on CRRT and organ support therapies, so you can learn and grow on your terms.
Related Products
The PrisMax control unit in intended for:
- Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) for patients with acute renal failure and/or fluid overload.
- Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) therapy for patients with diseases where removal of plasma components is indicated.
- Hemoperfusion (HP) for patients with conditions where immediate removal of substances by adsorption is indicated.
- Extracorporeal CO2 Removal (ECCO2R) for patients with conditions where extracorporeal elimination of carbon dioxide is indicated.
The Prismaflex control unit is intended for:
- Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy for patients with acute renal failure and/or fluid overload.
- Therapeutic Plasma Exchange Therapy for patients with diseases where removal of plasma components is indicated.
- Hemoperfusion for patients with conditions where immediate removal of substances by adsorption is indicated.
- Hemopurification for patients with conditions where extracorporeal elimination of carbon dioxide is indicated.
The MARS method is used to remove protein-bound and/or water-soluble toxins from the blood, primarily in patients with acute or chronic liver failure frequently accompanied by endogenous intoxication, jaundice (icterus) or comatose conditions.
For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the Operator’s Manual or Instructions for Use.