GAMCATH Short-Term Catheters

More access options to optimize therapy delivery
Catheter choices may help optimize therapy delivery and streamline workflows in the ICU. Based on our expertise in acute dialysis, Baxter developed a broad range of GAMCATH catheters that combine flexibility and innovation to help you provide optimal patient care. The line of GAMCATH catheters includes Conventional, HighFlow, and DOLPHIN Protect Coating options to meet the unique needs of your adult and pediatric patients in the ICU.

HighFlow catheters help optimize access during acute therapies
GAMCATH HighFlow short-term catheters feature a unique lumen design for increased blood flow and optimized access in acute therapies.

Increased blood flow
The GAMCATH HighFlow catheter’s kidneyshaped lumen design with larger arterial lumen may ease arterial pressure allowing for improved blood flow.2

Reduced risk of clotting
The staggered double-lumen tip configuration of the GAMCATH HighFlow catheter is free of side holes and may reduce the risk of clotting.3,4

DOLPHIN Protective coating for reduced catheter complications
The GAMCATH HighFlow catheters with DOLPHIN Protect coating can help reduce bacterial colonization and thrombotic catheter complications for ICU patients.5,6
Baxter’s proprietary DOLPHIN Protect coating is a copolymer film with an antibacterial Bismuth additive that is applied over the entire catheter.1 The copolymer layer locks in barium sulfate particles to help prevent catheter surface degradation.1,7
Supported by clinical evidence, GAMCATH HighFlow catheters with DOLPHIN Protect coating have the following features when compared to conventional, uncoated catheters.

Reduced bacterial colonization5

Lower rate of thrombotic catheter complications6

Improved bacteriological barrier6
Supporting the unique needs of acute patients
The broad line of GAMCATH catheters are an integral part of Baxter’s comprehensive framework of products, services and support specially developed for the needs of ICU professionals and their patients. GAMCATH catheters leverage Baxter’s long-standing leadership and expertise in critical care to help further maximize treatment options powered by our market-leading PrisMax and Prismaflex technology, all to support the individual needs of acute patients.
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GAMCATH catheters are intended for short-term use. They are used to obtain vascular access to perform extracorporeal blood purification. They can be used in the subclavian, jugular or femoral veins.
These catheters are not intended for any use other than which is indicated. Do not insert the catheter in thrombosed vessels.
The Prismaflex sets are indicated for use only with the Prismaflex control unit or with the PrisMax control unit (in countries where PrisMax is cleared or registered) in providing continuous fluid management and renal replacement therapies. The system is intended for patients who have acute renal failure, fluid overload, or both. This sets are intended for use in the following veno-venous therapies: SCUF; CVVH; CVVHD; CVVHDF.”
The PrisMax control unit is intended for:
• Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) for patients with acute renal failure and/or fluid overload.
• Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE) therapy for patients with diseases where removal of plasma components is indicated.
• Hemoperfusion (HP) for patients with conditions where immediate removal of substances by adsorption is indicated.
• Extracorporeal CO2 Removal (ECCO2R) for patients with conditions where extracorporeal elimination of carbon dioxide is indicated.
The Prismaflex control unit is intended for:
- Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy for patients with acute renal failure and/or fluid overload.
- Therapeutic Plasma Exchange Therapy for patients with diseases where removal of plasma components is indicated.
- Hemoperfusion for patients with conditions where immediate removal of substances by adsorption is indicated.
- Hemopurification for patients with conditions where extracorporeal elimination of carbon dioxide is indicated.
For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the Operator’s Manual or Instructions for Use.
PrisMax / Dolphin Protect / Gamcath / Prismaflex